NoBS.. Your Source for Battery Knowledge AND Power!
Here's where you''ll get the answers to the pressing questions on care, feeding, setup and testing
of our NiCad, NiMH and A123 packs and systems. Just click on the links below to view the appropriate Guide or FAQ for your
battery technology solutions.

Our NiCad & NiMH FAQ,
a complete education on care, feeding and support for NiCad & NiMH Tx and Rx packs

Our Technology Comparison
Guide, relative merits, weight cost and serviceability of Nicad/NiMH vs Li-Ion & A123 for Giant Scale Applications

Our A123 Systems Support FAQ, a complete education on care, feeding and
support for A123 Rx & Ignition packs

Our A123 Setup Guide, an
overview of chargers, charger setup, equipment layouts and switch setup for A123 Systems