Virus Impact Update Despite some initial disruptions in logistics & with delivery services, our order processing and order
turnaround times remain unaffected. Your business is critical to us; all orders routinely ship Priority w/ tracking and we
get 'em on the way by the next business day. Thank you all for your continued support and Stay Safe! -- Steve & Diana
August 2020
- We don't stock everything.. but we do stock what you need. We've got the right chargers
for your new high capacity NiMH and NiCad & A123 packs, HD Switches, Voltage Regulators, HD Extensions, Connectors
& more.... - Scroll Down for Switches, Extensions and
other great support and setup gear, click on any photo to enlarge the view!
Chargers & Charge Cords

* * * FMA
Multi-4 12v Field Charger FMA's outstanding single port,
single cable Multi-Chemistry balancing charger, handles anything you are likely to need to charge, anywhere. Simplest,
easiest to set up and use charger for A123, absolutely ideal for A123 support at the field or at home with a separate 12v
supply. And.. we've packaged it with the correct charge cord for any of our 6.6v
2 cell A123 packs as well as any 4 or 5 cell Nicad or NiMH Rx or Ignition pack equipped
with an R/C system standard Futaba, JR/Univ, Specktrum, Hitec or Airt Z connector. That's right.. 90% R/C system coverage,
right out of the box, nothing extra to buy.Just some of the features..- Selectable
charge rates range 5mA to 4A
- Auto charge mode (AUTO 1C, 2C, 3C charge rates)
- Advanced
fuel gauging technology
- Up to 4S Lithium, 10S NiCad/NiMH
- Backlit
Liquid Crystal Display
- Multi-Chemistry, supports LiPoly, LiIon, LiFePO4, A123, LiMn, NiCd,
NiMH, Pb)
- Basic preset parameters (select charger preset and choose current) may be edited
at the charger
- Intuitive 1 button user interface
- Cold
weather mode
- Unprecedented Accuracy
- Fuel Gauge Readout
- Unparalleled
- Self Diagnostics
- Safety Charge Mode
- Support
for long battery extensions
Just $69.95 and it includes our custom charge connector!
Multi-4 12v "..lowest priced single cable A123 balanced charging solution available anywhere. FMA
has done it again!!" Pack
capacity: 5 mAh to 32Ah (charge time limited to max 8 hours) Input voltage: 10-16VDC, reverse polarity protected Input
current: 1A to 5A, software limited, user adjustable using PC software Power conversion: DC/DC converter, 125 kHz, 90%
efficiency Output battery charge current: Adjustable range 5mA to 4A, limited by 5A input current Continuous max
output power: 58W @ +12VDC input Voltage calibration: Cell voltage measurements are factory calibrated to a standard
traceable to NIST; calibration is to +/- 6 mV Current calibration: Charge current is factory calibrated on a 4A standard;
calibration is to +/- 1mA Output battery connector: “Cellpro” compatible, JST PA series, 5 position LCD:
2 line, 16 character, light grey/blue backlit

the FMA CellPro Charger to Univ Cell Tap Adapter Cable! Out
of the box, ready to go charge coverage for: Nicad
or NiMH packs with FJ, JR/Univ, Hitec, AirtZ connectors.All of our 2 cell 6.6v NoBS A123 packs Virtually
any FJ or JR Chargeport Switch Just $69.95, ready to go!
FMA Multi-4 Manual
Hitec X2 AC Plus Black Edition |

X2 AC Plus 2 Port AC/DC Multi-Chemistry Charger/Cycler Here's an
excellent little AC/DC dual port charging station for all battery types, will handle anything you are likely to need to charge,
anywhere. Straightforward 4 button programing logic and when coupled with our unique optional 'Combo Solution Charger Cable'
makes single cable balance charge support for our A123 Rx & Ignition
packs via a chargeport switch a piece of cake.Even better..
this charger has a cycler! AND it's own built-in AC supply! Works from 12v too! That makes this an excellent pick as
a Field -OR- bench smart charger for any kind of pack and any kind of flyer.. from NiCads & NiMH to Lithium's
& A123's, Motor packs, Tx packs, Ignition packs, ECU packs, regardless of technology type. Finally.. big competent 'smart
charger /cycler ' features with a small field box footprint and all at a modest price.Just some of the features.. ·
AC Input: 100-240V·
DC Input: 11-18V·
Circuit Power: 100W AC, 200W DC·
Max. Discharge Power 10W·
Charge Current 0.1ma-10.0A x2·
Discharge Current 10W x2·
Balancing Rate: 300mA/cell·
NiCd/NiMH Cell Count: 1-15·
LiPo/A123 LiIon Cell Count: 1-6·
Pb Battery Voltage: 2-20V
X2 - AC/DC - Black Edition "..finally, a Dual Port AC/DC multi-chemistry Smart Charger/Cycler package with truly SMART
capabilities!" - Twin Channels for truly Simultaneous
Dual Battery Charging
- Dual
Input & Power Distribution
- 10 Battery Memory
- Charge/Discharge Profiles
- CHARGE MASTER software
- "Scan to Go" Smartphone Control
- Terminal Voltage Control
- Voice Guide
- Use at the field w/DC 12v power
- Fully integrated internal
AC power adapter
$113.95, Basic w/ standard OEM cabling; Includes:
- 2 XH Adapters
- 2 Banana > XT60 Charge Cables
- 2 Banana > Deans Charge Cables
- 2 Rx Univ Charge Cables
- 1 DC Power Cord w/Alligator
- 1 AC Power Cord
-or- $148.75, for our 'Deluxe' Version;
adds 2 of our Combo Charger Cords for 'single cable in-plane charging' of our A123/LiFe 6.6v packs. Note: the 'Deluxe' selection in the cart adds
two Combo Charger Cables.. purchased separately the Combo Charger Cables cost $24.95 ea. YOU
SAVE $15.00!

FMA 12 volt
5 Amp Charger Power Supply for Multi-4 Here's
an excellent little 12 volt 5 amp output switching power supply that's ideal for the FMA Multi 4 or the Hitec X4 Multiport
charger. Takes just about any 12v supply charger from the field to the bench at home. Runs from any 110v grounded socket outlet
in your home, has banana plug type ouputs you plug your charger right in to. $29.95
12 Volt, 5 amp outputSwitching
Supply.. low noise, steady power on demandBanana Plug Outputs, no adapters
required for most chargers-$29.95

FMA Multi-4 PC Interface Module This high speed, opto-isolated, PC USB interface module is designed
to provide safe, 2-way communication between FMA Chargers and a PC USB port. For use with free PC software, supports firmware
updates, and PC compatible GUI software for the FMA Multi-4 Charger and other FMA products. Drivers for this device are
available from FMA for the Multi-4 by clicking the link "download usb software", below. $19.95
Download USB Software
Gets your PC and your FMA Multi-4 communicatingUpgrade firmware in older Multi-4'sProgram
User PresetsCustomise your charger!-$19.95

JST-XH & FMA Multi4 Charger to Univ Cell Tap Adapter Cables. For use with the standard 'univ' cell tap or the Combo3 Wire Connector
to adapt the R/C standard Univ balance tap on our A123 packs to most balance port equipped Chargers. We have three types
available, two for FMA chargers as well as another for those chargers that use the JST-XH type plug format
for a balance connection. (Hyperion, Thunder Power, Triton ElectriFly, Smart Cube, Fromeco, etc; check
your chargers manual for JST-XH compatibility!!) The adapter cable
allows easy access to the pack in the plane via a conventional chargeport equipped switch or separate chargeport. The choices
available provide connecting compatability with the vast majority of A123 capapble balancing chargers. See the A123 setup Guide and the A123 FAQ page for info on how to take advantage of in-the-plane access for checking individual cell voltages or balancing A123 Rx &
Ignition packs.
JST-XH or FMA Charger to Univ Cell
Tap 3 wire Cable $9.50
Note: If you planning on buying an FMA Multi-4 Charger from us, it comes WITH the appropriate
Adapter cable for NoBS A123 Rx & Ignition packs at no extra charge..

The Combo Solution Balance-Charge
Cord for JST-XH two lead chargers Wish
your two lead A123 charger could balance charge with just one connection to the pack or switch? This excellent
Combo Chargecord works across a broad spectrum
of JST-XH balance plug or board compatible 2 lead (1st generation) chargers like the TP 610C, B6AC, etc; Allows
single cable balance charge connection to a JR/Univ HD Chargeport switch if used with any NoBS A123 Rx or Ignition pack equipped
with a 20g 3 Wire Combined Univ Balance & Power Feed. Makes balance charging with most 2 lead chargers
through a single HD chargeport switch simple and easy WITHOUT a separate chargeport and it's fully compatible with
Balance Buddy too! For use with 2
lead chargers that have a JST-XH compatible 4S or 6S balance board or output port; intended for NoBS A123 2 cell Rx & ignition packs equipped with 20g 3 Wire Combined Univ Balance & Power
Feed connected to a modified JR/Univ HD Chargeport switch. See our A123 Setup Guide for info on the switch mod. Check your chargers manual for JST-XH plug compatibility!!

$24.95-4S or 6S JST-XH & Banana Plugs InSingle JR/Univ 3 wire Out18"
long, HD 20g twisted cabling3
Amp max current, For JR/Univ Chargeport SwitchPlug & Play balance charging for NoBS A123 Rx/Ignition pack
with a Combo 3 wire Univ pack feedAllows
one cable balance connection via most switch chargeports with easy switch mod- Combo Cord Set for 2 Lead JST-XH/Banana to JR/Univ:

The Combo Solution Balance-Charge Cord for FMA PowerLab two lead chargers Finally.. a Combo Solution Charger Cord just for the FMA Power Labs. Sets up the PL6, PL8, Dual
Power Lab & 10S / 10XP for simple sigle lead balance charging via one connection to the pack or switch. In all respects,
it's the same as the Combo Cord shown above but set up to work with FMA's Power Lab Series Chargers oddball JST-PA type modular
ports. Intended for NoBS A123 2 cell Rx & ignition packs equipped with 20g 3 Wire Combined Univ Balance & Power
Feed connected to a modified JR/Univ HD Chargeport switch or our Combo Switch See our A123 Setup Guide for info on the switch mod. Check your FMA charger's modular port(s) for pin count prior to ordering.
$26.95-JST-PA (FMA) & Banana Plugs InSingle JR/Univ 3 wire Out18"
long, HD 20g twisted cabling3
Amp max current, For JR/Univ Chargeport SwitchPlug & Play balance charging for NoBS A123 Rx/Ignition pack
with a Combo 3 wire Univ pack feedAllows
one cable balance connection via most switch chargeports with easy switch mod- Combo Cord Set for 2 Lead JST-PA (FMA) & Banana plugs to

Univ System Charge Cord Set; Banana Plugs
the complete Transmitter pack and Receiver pack support cord system, allows complete coverage of all major connector
types, including HiTec, JR, Spektrum, Futaba and AirtZ Type Rx packs and Transmitters. Two cords, one for the Tx with a universtal
'star' head for all major Tx brands, and a Univ Rx pack cord for all major radio system types. Good quality, NOT
Hobbico! $12.95 Note: For chargers with banana plug outputs ONLY!
Complete Rx & Tx set: $12.95

'White' Transmitter Pack Mating plug, JR / Hitec / etc
Here's a lil lifesaver.. having trouble finding a plug that mates that weird lil black or white plug on your Spektrum,
JR, Hitec or Futaba Transmitter pack? Can't cycle test or fast charge through the radio system's charge port?? Well, here's
what you need! This will mate with any Tx system plug by matching up the prong with the red wire on the charge cord to
the the red wire on your pack connector. Comes ready to use with banana plugs for complete charger flexability. $6.95
Tx Pack mating Plug: $6.95

Anderson Power Pole / Sermos Charge Cord Set; Sermos to Bananna
Banana Plugs on one end, Sermos/Anderson
Connectors on the other. Since I've added these to the inventory they have become one of the top sellers. Excellent solution
for handling everything from field batterys and electric flight packs to setup cords for Tritions and Super Novas. $9.95
Banana to Anderson Set: $9.95
On-Board System Switches
Regulators & Voltage

VoltMagic On-Board System Monitor Supports A123/LiFe,
Nicad/NiMH & Li-Ion Rx & Ignition Packs! - We’re thrilled to introduce the ultimate in integrated monitoring
systems for your Radio Gear and Battery Packs. VoltMagic monitors pack voltage, radio glitches, peak low voltage and
intermittent system interruptions and will even track and report marginal Voltage Regulator and/or Battery
Pack performance under actual flight loads! - Up till now you’d have to spend hundreds of dollars and drag along a laptop to
get this kind of data on flight safety critical system performance. Ideal for high-drain, high load digital servo applications!
If you’ve got an aggressive 3D or aerobatic aircraft THIS device is what you need. Easy to install (just plug it into
your receiver), simple to program and it weighs less than an ounce. Reports at the end of your flight the peak low voltage
sustained under load, the number (if any) of glitches or 'radio hits' and stores the info for display even after you turn
your radio system off! Constant real-time reporting of actual voltage of your system! - For use with 2.4 GHz, PCM or regular FM radios systems,
4 cell and 5 cell Nicad or NiMH packs, 2 cell Lithium, including specialized programing options for A123 packs. Works
seamlessly in all types of system installations; including regulated systems! - Just $29.95 NOTE:
IN STOCK! All Backorders cleared, shipped as of 05/10.
VoltMagic for all system types, $29.95 ea
Comes complete with a HD gold plated universal system connector and Illustrated easy to follow
setup instructions for ALL radio systems. Click the picture below to view the instructions, setup guide and specs!

Full Support for A123 Packs
as well as Nicad, NiMH, LiIon and Lipoly packs, for Non-regulated and Regulated

Adjustable Voltage Regulator
Six volt packs provide faster servo transit and more torque for big control surfaces. In some
applications with older JR digital servos a regulator is required; in some others 'jittering' is an issue with freshly
charged 6v packs. A123's on some Ignition Modules provide higher voltage than the module can tolerate... A regulator
is the cure!
Key Features: • Universal Connector •
Input Range: 4.8V - 8.4V • Selectable Output: 5.95V or 5.4V • Current: 5A continuous, 10A peak @ 7.4V input and 5.95V output, Weight: 0.7oz. Works with
4,5 or 6 cell NiMH/Nicad and 2 cell A123 Lithium packs. If the supply voltage drops below the output set voltage
the regulator is automatically bypassed.
Fully 'plug and play' ready, comes with HD gold plated 22g Univ
system connectors and instructions.
Comes with Univ Connectors for input and output and it fits all current radio systems.

NEW! NoBS Batteries 'Combo
Solution' UltraSwitch II for NoBS A123 packs w/ 20g 'Combo' Input Connector. Your choice of Dual
22g JR or 18g Single Jr/Univ, Deans or EC3 output connectors to the Rx! - An outstanding evolution of the UltraSwitch II, set up exclusively for us by ED for our NoBS
single lead Combo 20g A123 packs and optimised for Giant Scale applications with your choice of power output configurations.
This switch is set up with a 20g 3 wire twisted input that compliments our A123 Packs with the 20g Three Wire Combo Connector,
allowing single cable balance charging thru the switch at up to 4 amps. No Mods, no fussing about, order our A123 Packs with
the single 20g Three Wire Combo Power Feed (NO separate balance connector!) and your installation is 'plug & play' simple
with this switch. The switch output is your choice of either DUAL 22g Univ/JR leads for the Rx (best for single pack,
single switch installations), a Single 18g JR/Univ or a single 18g Deans or EC3 output making it ideal for Parallel
A123 pack and switch setups and/or SmartFly type power boards with the Deans or EC3 plugs common in high load applications for
30-40% IMAC and Warbirds. - $28.95 w/18g JR/Univ, $5.00 more w/ Deans
or EC3 -
*Note: A123 rated, Designed specifically for 2nd generation
single lead balance charging! If you have a 1st generation two lead balance charger, use the 'Combo' charge
cord sold above, NO SEPARATE CHARGEPORT REQUIRED! The correct A123 pack connector configuration for this switch is WITHOUT a separate 22g balance
lead and WITH the Combo 20g three wire Power Feed.
Combo 20g Three wire Balance Input for NoBS
A123 packs, your choice of either Dual 22g JR univ out OR Single 18g JR/Univ out
to Rx. Deans, EC3 or Multiplex $5.00 more. -


ED UltraSwitch II Extra HD One Piece Chargeport / Switch for Nicads & NiMH packs
- This combines an Extra HD 22g dual pole, dual throw switch with
4 redundant contacts and charge port with 'hood' into one faceplate. Extremely high quality plugs and gold contacts. This
is an outstanding HD switch for high current digital servo applications. Comes with a vibration pad for installation,
'switch guard' faceplate, closeable chargeport hood and makes for a very neat, easy to install assembly. This switch is a
complete 'one hole' solution for switch and chargeport setups for each of your NiMH or Nicad packs.. Rx or Ignition. Very
light (.5oz) & durable; use two of these for parallel Rx battery installations. (Note: Must be user modifed before use with our A123 packs, see
our A123 Setup Guide for notes on the 'Switch Mod') - $17.95
Extra HD Chargeport / Switch, 22g for use w/Nicads & NiMH packs $17.95 -

OEM Type/Size System Switch, 22g The most common source of failure in
an R/C system is a worn-out or intermittent switch. Vibration, fuel soaking and contact wear all contribute to the degredation
of the switch. If it's time to replace a pack, it's likely time to consider replacing the switch.
Here's an excellent quality switch harness with charge lead, same physical size as most OEM switches, equipped
with 22g leads, high quality gold plated connectors and a DPDT redundant switch. Partner this up with a External
Charge Port or Hide-Away Internal Switch Mount (below) for easy field acess to your pack for load checking and field charging
your Rx or Ignition pack
OEM Size System Switch, 22g $7.95

Univ Charge Port (FJ/Hitec/JR)
Already have a good switch? Need a clean and simple port on the fuselage side to get at your charge plug
for ESV checks and field charging? Here's a simple and very light way to gain acess to your pack without tearing down
your plane. Fits Futaba or JR/Hitec/AirtZ switches of any size. $3.95
Univ Chargeport Kit, $3.95

Dubro Hide-Away Internal 'Kwick Swich Mount' & Charge Port
Here's a clean and easy to install switch mount that adds a charge port to the fuselage
side and moves the switch inside the plane to protect it from debris and fuel soaking. Will mount any MFG's OEM size switch,
uses a simple Pull/Push Rod & Ball to activate the switch. Charge port has a flip down hood. Allows fast and easy access
to the Rx pack for ESV checks and field charging. Comes with mounting hardware, Allen key and complete installation instructions. $4.95
Dubro Switch Mount w/chargeport, $4.95
Extensions & Wiring

*NEW!!* Ultra Flex Heavy Duty 20g 'Aileron'
Extensions & 'Y' Harness Very high quality 20g Twisted 3 lead extensions, suitable
for the most rigorous high load digital servo and battery extension applications. Supple,
flexible, twisted to help prevent RF glitches, flashed gold pin contacts, strong housings. Absolutely superb! These are
designed for direct plug in use without any modification for any Futaba, JR, Hitec, Spectrum and Airtronics 'Z' system. 11"
Universal Y, 20g Twisted: $10.95 6" Universal Straight
Extension, 20g Twisted: $4.95 12" Universal Straight Extension,
20g Twisted: $6.95 18" Universal Straight Extension, 20g Twisted:
$7.95 24" Universal Straight Extension, 20g Twisted: $8.95 36" Universal Straight Extension, 20g Twisted: $10.95

22g male pack side connectors
22 gauge 2
wire type male for Futaba J systems, 22 gauge 2 wire type male for Hitec/JR/AirtZ systems, 22 gauge 2
wire type male for OLD Airtronics systems. Gold pin contacts; top quality, NOT Hobbico! 12" length. $3.95

18g HD male pack side connectors
18 gauge 2
wire type male for Futaba J systems and 18 gauge 2 wire type male for Hitec/JR/AirtZ systems. Gold
pin contacts, Super Flex Silicone 18g leads, excellent quality (NOT Hobbico!) 12" length. $5.00

22g HD Female 2 or 3 wire Servo or Charger connectors
Heavy Duty 3 wire Female plugs with 12" leads. Choose 22 gauge 3 wire type Universal
Female systems connector or 22 gauge 2 wire type Universal Female battery connectors for FJ/Hitec/JR/AirtZ
systems. Good Quality.. NOT HOBBICO! $3.95

Super Flex Wire, Red and Black 36" ea Super flexible, feels like limp spagetti.
Very high strand count, excellent current handling and chafe resistance. Originally developed for a robotics application,
this wire is ideal for custom wiring harnesses for Electrics and Giant Scale utility uses. 12g $8.00
pkg (Electrics above 35 amps) 14g $7.00 pkg (Electrics at 20-35 amps) 16g $6.00
pkg (Speed 400/480, 10-20 amps) 18g $5.00 pkg (Speed 280-400, 5-10 amps) 20g $4.00
pkg (Micro Electrics, to 8 amps
The Secure Online Visa MasterCard & PayPal Shopping Cart
system is also available for 24/7 ordering convienience. Secure Online Shopping! No PayPal account required, Visa, MasterCard accepted.
Hangtimes Hobbies NoBS Batteries