
'Cradle of Heroes'... The Fairchild M-62 Aircraft Series is
a classic American Enterprise success story. In 1938, while most military pilots were still receiving their initial training
in biplanes, Fairchild Aircraft recognized the need for a new design more closely approximating the more advanced types of
aircraft the trainees would soon be flying. With an eye on the news coming from Europe, they 'rolled the dice' and proceeded
to develop the military trainer project on their 'own dime', without a government contract, at at their Hagerstown, MD facility.
(a development process followed later by North American Aviation with its P-51) The result was one of the most innovative
and effective primary training planes ever designed, the Fairchild Primary Trainer ('PT'). The Fairchild PT was given its
factory model number M-62 and its official name, the Cornell. The first prototype flew on May 15, 1939 and later that year
it won a fly-off competition against 17 other designs for the new Army primary training airplane. Fairchild was awarded its
first Army contract for an initial order of 270 airplanes, designated the 'PT-19' on September 22, 1939. To manufacture the PT-19 aircraft, over ten
thousand people throughout the Hagerstown area worked on the production of the airplane. During the war years, companies all
over town were employed by Fairchild to make parts and pieces of the PT-19. Furniture companies, machine companies and even
the world-renowned pipe organ manufacturer, M.P. Moller made wings and center sections for Fairchild airplanes. Demand eventually
outstripped Fairchild's ability to produce it in the numbers needed and construction/license arrangements were made with Fleet Aircraft in Canada and three U.S. companies, Howard
Aircraft, St. Louis Aircraft, and Aeronca as well as Fabrica do Galeao in Brazil. The simple but rugged
construction included a fabric-covered welded steel tube fuselage with plywood-covered wood center section, outer wing panels
and tail assembly. The use of an inline engine allowed for a very narrow frontal area which was ideal for visibility while
the widely set-apart fixed landing gear allowed for solid and stable ground handling. The design was such that it could still
accommodate varying engine types (radials and inlines) and was produced in varying configurations with both open cockpits
and a sliding canopy. The M-62
Series was inexpensive, simple to maintain and most of all it was very reliable. It was the most produced and used aircraft
type of a handful of primary trainer designs that were the first stop on a cadet's way to becoming a combat pilot. With more than two hundred thousand
military pilots awarded wings flying first in a PT-19, it truly lived up to its nickname - the "Cradle of Heroes."
Between 1940 and the end of production at war's end, 7,443 aircraft based on the venerable M-62 had been integrated
into the US and Commonwealth training programs world wide, serving throughout WWII and beyond. Today, fewer than 240 remain..
with less than half of them currently airworthy.

Aviation Concepts PT-19 on 1st test flight |
...Cradle of Giant Scale!

My Old Dynalite PT-19 |
One of my first Giant Scale projects 20+
years ago was a 'Fun Scale' PT-19 kitted by Dynaflite™. More than a decade ago, that kit of this model
was so popular a 'transition' vehicle into the world of Giant Scale and Warbirds in particular that the Warbirds Over Delaware
meet had more than 30 of them flying. Truly, the model's heritage in full scale has been mirrored, many hundreds of Giant
Scale Modelers made first Giant Scale projects and flights with a PT-19. It was a pilot maker in the 40's.. and
a maker of Giant Scale Modelers in the 80's & 90's. Now, the PT-19 is back.. this time from Aviation Concepts and
rendered in exact scale; ready to perform for today's competition-class Giant Scale Modelers... in the
air AND on the static table!
UP, FOLKS! Most of the components for this kit (landing gear, cowl, fairings, etc) are NOT directly compatible with the old
Dynaflite™ kit without significant modification to either our parts or the Dynaflite™ kit.. our kit is precision
scale, NOT 'sport scale' !!

It's Here!!
It's taken over 4 years, off and on; to get this from concept to the laser cutter. Shepherding Gunny through the development
process was often as difficult as herding cats, but thanks to the extra time & effort we've put into the kit design you'll
find yours goes together very quickly. We've developed into the design the core elements of strength, durability and survivability
without sacrificing a bit of flying ability. And, we made it a breeze to recover from any future mishap with available
replacement components. From wing tips to tail sections... even replacement motorbox's and firewalls, just in case you
want to re-power with electric at some point in the future! But, that's not all... We've simplified normal field set-up
and take-down to two screws. The tail section can be built as completely removable and the wing breaks down in three
easy to transport sections. This is a Giant Scale Model that's easy to transport in a small scale car!

Now, you can build your own! The Basic Short Kit comes with top quality printed Full Scale Plans
and the loose leaf bindered Color Building Manual. You can also order the fiberglass cowl as well as the fiberglass
wing fairings and tail fairings as separate options or get it all at a discount as a builders package. (sorry, this is NOT
available as an 'ARF'.. you get to build this!)

Aviation Concepts Fairchild PT-19A 1/5 Scale, Wing Span: 87.5" (7.29') Length: 67.5" (5.60') Wing Area: 1187 sq in Flying Weight: 19-22 lbs Wing Loading: 38 oz./ft2 Airfoil: NACA 2415 (scale) Engine Size: 30-40cc (Gas) Recommended Prop & RPM: (elect) 18x8, 7,200 rpm Radio: 5 channel, 7 Servo's Rudder/ Elevator/ Ailerons/ Flaps/ Throttle
why this kit stands out.. Scale Excellence. It's in the design from the start. A commitment to quality and detail in
every component without compromise. It's all here..



The Wing! As
with anything that flies.. 'the wing is the thing', and with the PT-19 the wing has to not only fly superbly (it does) ..
it's got to be scale. So, we set it up like the full scale wing, right down to the airfoil. You may not be aware.. but the
Full Scale aircraft had an extra 2 degrees of dihedral on it's removeable tip panels where they join the center
section. So.. yup; we designed in the scale dihedral.. and the scale removable tips. It also had split flaps.. so yup,
we got scale split flaps too. How's this all go together at the field? One screw. That's it.. less than a minute
per panel to get it ready at the field. (click on pictures for enlarged views)



The Tail! While
on most kits, these may be 'the parts that went over the fence last', in this project we felt they deserved a bit more attention
to detail than the usual 'slabs of lumber, carved to shape, attached back there'. The PT-19's tail is scale in detail.. internal
elevator linkage, scale access panels under the stab, both stab and fin are scale, airfoil & hinge lines, built up
& sheeted. The rudder and elevator are scale in internal construction and covered w/ solartex. And both are completely
removeable... with (yup) one bolt. The steerable tailwheel is run on internal 'pull-pull' cables, the rudder on a scale
pushrod. Oh.. and did I mention the scale fiberglass tail fairing? We've got that, too. (click on pictures
for enlarged views)



The Center Section! Here is
where an awful lot of midnight oil was expended.. the wing center section would have to be the 'heart' of the aircraft. It's
structure has to absorb massive 'sheer' landing loads as well as flight loads, house the flap linkages, mount the scale Robart
struts, join the tip panels and 'mate' the fuselage in such a way as to be easily removable and infinitely strong in the air
and on the ground.. and the places in between. We used birch aircraft ply for spars, robust large diameter wing
tubes and landing gear mount plates that will stay in the wing.. landing after landing. It's rugged just
framed up.. when sheeted it seems invincible. (click on pictures for enlarged views)


The Fuselage! One of the great aggravations in built-up scale modeling is the lack
of scale detail included in the models basic design. No need to worry here.. we've got you covered.. and built the 'scale
details' right into the fuselage design. We've got scale opening access panels.. the 'luggage' hatch behind the cockpit
and the 'fire extinguisher door' up forward are used to hide the switches and fueling access. The roll bar is not only
strong and scale.. it's removable and thus replaceable. The kit includes all the laser cut parts for a completely removable
top hatch.. just in case you want to build it for electric power. And the engine box.. it's fully adjustable. And, removable.
Also replaceable.. just in case you want to re-power later on. We even provide a scale instrument panel.. two of 'em.
Scale windshields, too. Reinforced, by the way.. and also removable. And, replaceable. Room for goodies like smoke
tanks and such? No problem.. the center section of the fuselage was designed to 'payload'.. nothing is over the CG but the
pilots. Radio equipment flexibility is designed right in.. servos and radio gear can easily mount behind the trailing
edge of the wing and remain fully accessible, leaving plenty of room for whatever you want to carry.. from motor packs
to telemetry gear. (click on pictures for enlarged views)

Sliding mount, shown all the way 'in' |

Sliding mount, all the way 'out' |

PTE-36, on ser 02 |

Venerable Zenoah G-38, ser 01 |
The Power! The first design consideration for the project was 'Must be suitable for Gas, 4 Stroke or Electric power'. While
that's certainly feasible for most kits via modification while building it, we wanted this project to be adaptable to
any type of power at any point in it's operational life. That would call for an 'adaptive' power box and firewall
configuration. We came up with a unique solution; a strong sliding box and firewall that fits into a rugged outer sleeve
incorporated into the fuselage structure.. Just as the A-10 Warthog was designed around an Avenger Cannon, we designed
the PT-19 around the adaptive power box and firewall.. It's rugged, can be adjusted to any depth to accommodate any engine/motor
combination and house all the gear required to spin the prop.. fuel tank & throttle servo, ignition module and pack, etc
OR an electric motor, controller and packs. Four bolts, disconnect the servo lead for the throttle.. and out of the nose slides
the 'power package'. Want to change over to electric on the field? With a second power box at hand and all the gear
in it.. yup. as simple as that. - On
our pre-production prototype (ser 01), I used the Zenoah G-38 from my original PT-19. Gunny's parts test bird
(ser 02) uses a PTE-36. Both engines are rear exhaust and fit the cowl very nicely. We suspect it won't be long before some
enterprising modelers start stuffing 50cc engines in there but we suspect some cowl 'hackage' may be required to
accommodate side mounted mufflers. (click on pictures for enlarged views)




The Scale Details! On any Scale
project the builder has to decide early on just how 'scale' he's going to go on detailing. We set out from the start
to provide scale 'outline' fidelity and make it easy to accommodate whatever level of scale detailing you
wish to your PT-19.. As an example, a 'fully detailed cockpit' is difficult to execute in a model design that has no room
for full pilot figures. We not only provided the room.. we provided direct access via a removable top hatch... and the choice
to build it that way or not. The Rollbar and Windshields are scale.. and they are easy to remove and replace
and their mounts are exceptionally rugged. The access 'hatches' are on the plans and when you buy the 'complete'
short kit package we include the Switch Hide kits to house all your switches and fuel fills. - But wait.. there's more! ( I couldn't resist ) Gunny even modified a standard after-market tailwheel assembly to a more scale appearance and function and provides
the details on how to modify yours on the plans. Strut fairing and tail access panel patterns as well as the methods
to create them are included. Prefer to make your own wing and tail fairings the traditional way? All the patterns for
traditional built-up fairings are included in the plans and manual. Then we went further, we built the molds and made available
for purchase a set of optional fiberglass fairings for the wings and tail. We even provided the Historical Aviation Album Three-Views
for Scale Outline, printed in the manual and available for the Judges at ScaleMasters & Top Gun. We've also provided
dimensional data to the hobbies best aftermarket 'dash' folks, putting an optional exact scale dash panel package in
the works already.. nonetheless, we provide in the kit high-res gloss prints and laser cut dashboard panels to make
your own. It's all about choices in the scale world.. so, we worked hard at making sure you'll have the best possible
'canvas' for your masterpiece. (click on pictures for enlarged views)
The Plans and Manual!
When I built my first Giant Scale project it was initially overwhelming. I got a set of plans and pile of poorly die-crunched
ribs and formers and stacks of sticks and sheet wood that was fit for parakeets to gnaw on.. hardly suitable for a model.
I found the plans were inaccurate, the mimeograph manual illegible and the few blurry B&W pictures were useless. There
was no continuity and the process involved a lot of annoyance and aggravation. I finally tossed the manual in the garbage,
fed the provided cruddy stick and sheetwood to the birds and used my previous experience and a lot of willpower to create
something that flew.. but I didn't want to do it again. (there's a reason that company went out of business!) Even today,
most laser-cut parts and plans sets from the 'classic' kit designers provide basic ribs and formers of mediocre quality and
not much else. No laser cut ply jigs, no laser cut detail parts, no fairing patterns, etc. They don't
even include a manual! The blurred copied plans offer some hints.. but you are on your own. - Building
an Aviation Concepts kit is a welcome change.. it's everything that most other Giant Scale kits are not. The 6 full sized
sheets of plans are superb, detailed and are accurate original prints.. not copies. The monogrammed (your name and Kit/Plan
serial number are on the cover!) 108 page manual is laser printed on quality gloss bond paper and loose-leaf bound
in a binder that lays flat on the table.. with over five hundred sharp, clear color hi-res pictures; and more of them than
text. The process is enjoyable, the steps straightforward and explained clearly. If you get in a bind and need some help..
Gunny is here and glad to assist. And, best of all.. it's a precision laser cut kit of a quality not common
in modeling. - Please Note: If you are a 'scratch-builder only' kind of
guy that works from plans only and prefers to cut out all your own parts then the 'Plans & Manual only' intro package
might not be a good pick for you.. the interlocking features we engineered into the kit's 368 precision laser
cut parts for strength and lightness simply does not translate well into the old 'butt-glued' slab & plank design
& assembly methods of yesteryear. This advanced kits laser cut formers, wing & tail ribs, spars, jigs, gussets, fuselage
sides, etc are somewhat intricate, laser etch identified with part numbers, interlock and are designed for
'dry fit' speed & simplicity in assembly, taking full advantage of modern adhesives, Cad design and assembly techniques.
This makes it a pleasure to build.. but a pain for scratch builders to create the 368 laser cut wood parts with adequate
precision by hand... Regardless, some folks want to 'get a look' before they buy the laser cut lumber so we've made a
plans and manual (no wood) package available. If you decide to buy the laser cut wood package at a later date, we will
happily accommodate you. (click on pictures for enlarged views)
The Basic Packages Want to go at your project
in stages and spread out the costs a bit?? We can get you started with your PT-19 by breaking the purchases down to the
raw elements. Get the Plans and Manual Package, or get the Plans & Manual Set with the Laser Cut Parts, or; get the Plans,
Manual, Laser Cut Parts, and the Cowl w/pipes. Note that the Laser Cut Parts set by themselves are not shown.. they cost
$479.00 + shipping, but to get these, you'll have to email or call as you must already be in our system as a purchaser
of the Plans & Manual to get them.

Plans & Manual ONLY,
Note.. to protect us from 'copy' infringement scams, the plans & manual are non-returnable,
non refundable.
Plans & Manual & Laser Cut Parts ,
$589.95 - -
Plans & Manual, Laser Cut Parts & Cowl w/Pipes $639.95 - -
The Complete Package Deal Here's the complete
'Short Kit', at a discount! You'll get the Plans and Manual Package, the Fiberglass Cowl & Pipes and the Full Fiberglass
Fairings set for the wings & tail, the Laser Cut Wood Package, 2 Custom Switch Hides AND you save 35.00 (+
all that extra shipping) over ordering it all individually!
Fairchild PT-19A
1/5 Scale Short Kit PACKAGE
DEAL Plans, Manual, all Fiberglass Parts (including
wing & tail fairings) and the Laser Cut Wood Package $699.95
The available accessories
and sub-components that make this kit a project that will outlast all others.. We expect this bird to last decades.. unfortunately, things happen. Dumb-thumb has stricken more than
a few of my models in the past, in fact this project got started as a replacement wing for my antique Dynaflite PT-19..
(note: the accessories below will in most cases NOT fit the Dynaflite kit without significant modifcation to either our parts
or thier kit!) so; we've made available all the sub-assemblies you might need for our kit in the future.. If disaster
strikes your AC PT-19, you won't be an orphan; we'll have the parts.
Note: We designed this kit for direct fit
of Robart™ PN# 681R & L Scale Oleo Struts which come with the required wing mounting plates for OUR kit and are
available direct from Robart™ on their website. (click on pictures for enlarged views)
Fiberglass Cowl & Pipes

Fiberglass Wing and Tail Fairings

Fiberglass 'Package'.. All the above, cowl &
pipes, wing & tail fairings - Save $10.00

Switch Hide Kits, (2) Ignition / Fuel, &
Rx Switches
Cockpit Coaming Rubber, slitted; for two cockpits
Replacement Motorbox & Firewall Kit - - Loose your plans & manual? We also have available the relevant pages from the manual and the plans sections
for this item available. Call or email for details & prices

Replacement Windshields Kit - - Loose your plans & manual? We also have available the relevant pages from the manual and the plans sections
for this item available. Call or email for details & prices

Replacement Tail Group Kit - - Loose your plans & manual? We also have available the relevant pages from the manual and the plans sections
for this item available. Call or email for details & prices

Replacement Wing Tip Kit - - Loose your plans & manual? We also have available the relevant pages from the manual and the plans sections
for this item available. Call or email for details & prices

Replacement Wing Center Section Kit - - Loose your plans & manual? We also have available the relevant pages from the manual and the plans sections
for this item available. Call or email for details & prices

Replacement Fuselage Kit - - Loose your plans & manual? We also have available the relevant pages from the manual and the plans sections
for this item available. Call or email for details & prices

The Shipping Situation
The Kit and is accessories
are priced for expected shipping costs in the U.S. (contiguous 48 states). We send this via UPS to US destinations, average
cost is about $38.00. Overseas destinations, Hawaii & Alaska will likely be significantly more. If shipping to your
destination is more than the checkout system assigns, we'll email you regarding the additional shipping costs and make arrangements
to process your CC for the price difference in shipping to get it to your destination. If the cost is less (as often is the
case for east coast destinations) we'll refund the price difference when the package ships. I guess we should let you know... The fiberglass work, plans, manual and laser cutting are
ALL done in house here at Aviation Concepts. This is the ONLY way to assure the level of quality and attention to the
details that make our kits the best in the industry. We strive to keep kits on hand ready to ship immediately,
so you'll normally not have to wait "six weeks" (or months) for your kit to ship. If we experience any shipping
delay longer than 2 days after your order comes in, we will immediately notify you of the situation and when you can
expect your kit to ship. We'll do our best to not keep you hanging.. unless it's already built and you just wanna
keep it in the pattern, doing slow fly-by's & touch 'n go's. We're certain your going to love it! Enjoy! Gunny Bumbers; aviationconcept@optonline.net
NOTE: Dynaflite™ is a copyrighted trademark currently owned by Great Planes™.. The fair use
of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comparison, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies
for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. TITLE 17 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 107. US Code.

Steve Anthony (Hangtimes Hobbies/NoBS
Batteries) & Gunny Bumburs (Aviation Concepts) Summer, 2012 For questions or additional info, email the designer, kitter and guy
in charge of this Consortium Project.. Gunny Bumburs of Aviation Concepts. Just click on the link below: aviationconcept@optonline.net Phone: 9am to 6pm eastern
ONLY! 631-766-6009
Aviation Concepts www.hangtimes.com
Hangtimes Hobbies NoBS Batteries